Hammer SportClub 2008 e.V. - Bogensportzentrum - Hubert-Westermeier-Straße 5 - Germany - 59069 Hamm
You can use the parking lot on both side of the street.Pleas don´t use the parking lot of the supermarket.
Overnight stay - on the archery field
The archery facility offers space for 5 camper am approx.10 tents (2-3 people). Campers and tents are not provided.
The camping pitch costs €10 per night. We offer breakfast for €7.50 per person.
Booking requests to Anmeldung@summer-tournament.de
Mercure Hotel Hamm - accorhotels.com
B&B Hotel Hamm - hotelbb.de
Stangl's Hammer Brunnen - https://www.hammer-brunnen.de/
Hotel Stadt Hamm - hotel-stadt-hamm.de
Alte Mark GmbH & Co. KG - alte-mark.de
Hotel & Restaurant Linden Hof Hamm - restaurant-lindenhof-hamm.de
Hotel Grüner Baum - hotel-hamm-gruenerbaum.de
B&B Hotel Rhynern Nord - hotelbb.de
B&B Hotel Rhynern Süd - hotelbb.de